Rules are set to be followed but there are some that should be broken to open doors for a better opportunities.

here are 11 rules that you can break at work:

1. don’t claim credit

Claiming credit for a job well done is not something that should be frowned upon. Employees should be proud of their achievements. However, there is a level of humility that should come with this that ensures it doesn't border on "gloating". Acknowledging others for their input or joint efforts to achieve the positive outcome is a good way to claim credit while still recognising and motivating those around you.

2. say “yes” to your boss

Employees should feel empowered by their boss to push back if they are being overburdened or given a task they are not comfortable performing. In an ideal environment there should be open and honest communication. Raising a concern upfront will allow discussion on whether there is a "skill or will" issue that can be supported or an alternative solution. Ultimately the boss may have a justification and final say as to why and when the task needs to be performed, but an employee should feel comfortable in being heard.

3. don’t be friends with your colleagues

There's nothing wrong with being friends with your colleagues - as long as there is a common understanding that everyone remains professional when it comes to work. Being friends with your workmates actually encourages better collaboration, as people are naturally more inclined to help out a friend than an acquaintance. Friends are essential in a workplace as they act as a support network, providing an outlet for you to discuss issues, problems and challenges at work.

4. work overtime

This typically depends on the circumstances and also the industry you work in. There are some companies such as advertising, media, public relations and creative agencies where working overtime is a norm. In contrast, working overtime may be deemed as a sign of inefficiency for companies with the typical “8 to 5” working hours. Whether one should work overtime really depends on the individual and the work culture. If you are able to deliver on your projects and meet all your deadlines within the standard working hours, you should not feel obligated to stay back just because everyone is doing so. However, if there is a project that requires everyone to put in extra hours as a team in order to see it to completion, it would be advisable to do so to show that you are a team player.

5. compulsively check your email outside of work

One should not feel obligated to check or reply emails outside of working hours, unless you are working in a job that requires you to be on standby 24/7. Most people do that more as a force of habit - a result of being in a highly connected and mobile world. It might be a good idea to disconnect from emails after work to give yourself a break - as well as the people you are with the attention they deserve. If something urgent needs your immediate attention, let people know to call instead of emailing you.

6. work when on holiday

It is a worrying trend that people feel the compulsion or need to work even while on holiday. It defeats the very purpose of a holiday - to feel relaxed, have a well-deserved break, and spend time with family and friends. If you don't try to disconnect from work even when you are on holiday, you may be at risk of burning out quickly. Enjoy your holiday as it is meant to be so that you can return to work rejuvenated, refreshed and re-energised.

7. don’t admit you are in the wrong

Regardless of your position in the organisation, the ability to admit your mistakes is a highly regarded trait. It shows strength rather than weakness because it takes courage to acknowledge that you were wrong. People will appreciate your honesty and humility, and will tend to be more empathetic than critical. The most important thing is to remember that after acknowledging your mistakes, a conscious effort should be made not to repeat them or you will start to lose credibility.

8. you have to climb the corporate ladder/work towards that promotion

This depends on an individual's definition of success. For some, it is a promotion to the next level, but for others, it could be having the opportunity to work in other countries or be given more significant roles or projects within the organisation that will allow them to showcase their capabilities. We have also seen employees who have preferred to remain in their current roles as their priorities do not lie in having a leadership position or managing a team.

9. don’t do more than what you are required to do

Going above and beyond in your role is a surefire way to stand out and perform above expectations. Those looking for quick career advancement and promotions in competitive work environments would be well served in doing more than the basic requirements of the role. This type of attitude is also likely to bring intrinsic benefits as well, with those performing well in their role more likely to have a stronger sense of pride and level of satisfaction at work.

10. don’t raise problems you have at work to your bosses

It is fine to raise problems you have at work to your bosses, but more importantly, you should also show that you have thought through those issues and offer various possible solutions to these problems. Bosses are always looking for staff who can add value, and the best way to show that is not only through your ability to identify issues, but also what feasible solutions you have come up with to help your boss or organisation resolve them.

11. don’t speak your mind

Speaking your mind is generally not an issue if your opinions are objective and constructive. Senior management and leaders do appreciate open feedback, and you should not be afraid to express your thoughts, especially if you think they can bring about positive change. Perhaps the best way to determine if you are being objective and non-judgemental is to ask: are you speaking your mind or expressing your feelings?

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