65% of Singaporean respondents reported feeling more stressed since the pandemic and have expressed a desire to make some changes to achieve better overall work-life balance. After all, Singapore is one of the most overworked cities in the world.

Randstad - the world’s leading human resources solutions agency - today released the results of their H2 2021 Workmonitor survey in Singapore. The bi-annual survey highlights the workforce’s latest sentiments and perceptions of the local job market.

70% of singaporeans aged 18-44 years old felt more stressed; want improved work-life balance

7 in 10 survey respondents aged between 18 and 44 felt more stressed and are looking to make changes to their work-life balance.

singapore stress statistic
singapore stress statistic

Working from home has imbued in employees an ‘always on’ mindset as the boundaries between personal and professional lives are blurred, leading many to work beyond office hours. In this current wave of COVID, it’s not surprising that many are feeling stressed and discouraged as they continue to face challenges at home and from having long hours of work. From organising outings to checking in, employers have the opportunity to step up and offer support to their staff to help alleviate their stress levels.

younger singaporean workers are more likely to feel stressed and overwhelmed

In contrast, only 48% of respondents aged between 55 and 67 felt more stressed, the lowest among any age group in the region.

Compared to the younger generations, mature workers tend to have more established careers and feel more settled in life. Most of them are likely to shift their focus to retirement soon as well and are more likely to want to mentor the younger generations of workers. Organisations should leverage the expertise and experience of mature workers to train and upskill their workforce so that they can develop a healthy talent pipeline.

3 in 5 of employees have reassessed their work-life balance during the pandemic

Close to 9 in 10 respondents said that the experience of the pandemic has made them want more flexibility in their jobs and careers in the future. 3 in 5 respondents have considerably reassessed how work fits into their personal schedule in the past 18 months.

switching jobs statistic
switching jobs statistic

3 in 10 respondents in Singapore have changed jobs between March and September 2021. However, in quarter four of 2021, 2 in 5 respondents were reportedly dissatisfied with their employers and 1 in 4 were on the lookout for a new job because of recent events.

What we are witnessing is in line with the ‘Great Resignation’ phenomena that is happening across the globe. The experience of the pandemic and the increased levels of stress and burnout have caused many Singaporeans to change their approach to work. Most people feel that they've been overworked due to long hours of work and are reconsidering their career and professional development paths as they begin to prioritise intangible benefits such as a healthier work-life balance or finding more meaningful work.

employees in singapore want a caring boss and a less stressful job

When considering their career choices, the survey data indicated that 49% of respondents value having a job with manageable stress levels. The survey also further revealed that 27% of respondents want a supervisor who is an advocate for them and 42% of respondents prioritise working for a respected and caring employer.

To achieve a healthy work-life balance means to strike a balance between professional and personal priorities. This is certainly not an easy feat for most people, especially if they are working from home.

When workers are faced with an overwhelming workload or unrealistic expectations from their bosses, they may constantly work longer hours which would cause poor work-life balance. Employers can conduct regular check-ins with their staff and improve their management style to help employees attain a better work-life balance.

Striking that balance will help employees work more productively and efficiently while maintaining mental wellness, and that is why work-life balance is important. Mental health and work-life balance have therefore become a massive priority for employees in Singapore.

People are now rethinking their career purpose in this evolving world of work and employees who have stayed with their companies over the past two years for a sense of job and income security are now ready to move on. Despite the increasing number of job seekers, companies that are hiring must be ready to meet these new candidate expectations and create a positive and wholesome experience to retain their workforce.

Many job seekers in Singapore seek to work for an ideal employer who cares about their well-being, stress levels and growth. This means business leaders and managers will need to actively listen to your employees and acknowledge that their viewpoints may be different. Apart from recognising the form of hard work their employees had put into the job, employees hope for their employers or supervisors to take proactive corrective steps to resolve their work challenges so that they can realise their true potential.

the younger generations are open to global job opportunities if they can continue working from singapore.

When asked if they would be open to an overseas job if they are to perform the job fully remotely from Singapore, 69% of respondents said that they would consider it. 4 in 5 respondents aged 18 to 24 said that they would be open to a job opportunity if they can perform the job from Singapore. On the other hand, only half of the respondents aged 55 to 67 said that they are open to these roles.

working remotely from singapore
working remotely from singapore

The younger generations grew up in a globalised world and they embrace the rewards and challenges of cultural exchanges. Furthermore, in the early stages of their careers and lives, they want to explore as many opportunities as they can before settling down permanently. We are seeing the younger employees having a huge appetite to pursue overseas job postings to gain more exposure and work opportunities.

Singapore is also doubling down on its national upskilling programme and is encouraging companies to give their staff global exposure as part of that effort. If possible, companies can look to offer their employees job rotations, overseas deployments or participation in regional and global projects to grant the younger generation more exposure.

Randstad Singapore has recently launched the WorkAway Programme to allow corporate employees to work from anywhere around the world. This programme is a new branch of the company’s all-embracing hybrid work strategy to boost employer well-being and help them gain new experiences that they can apply to their daily work.

about randstad workmonitor

The Randstad 2H 2021 Workmonitor survey was conducted in September 2021 across 34 markets around the world with a minimum of 800 respondents in each market.

Randstad conducts the Workmonitor survey twice a year to discover the changes in candidates’ expectations and challenges to help organisations like yours develop a talent attraction and effective employee engagement strategy that works.

get your copy of the latest workmonitor survey report.

Besides conducting regular surveys to study workforce trends, our recruitment consultants also conduct market research and mapping exercises to help employers keep up with workforce trends and strengthen their employer brand. Connect with us for specialised talent recruitment services or to strengthen your employer brand.

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